Why ribbit ribbit?

Perhaps, I just like the way it sounds.

Perhaps, I really like those squishy little amphibians - slimy and cool in the hot summer humidity. Or the way they glide effortlessly across the water - a whole swimming stroke devoted to the species during summer swim lessons.

Perhaps, I was that kid. The one who liked frogs and then grandma found out and bought all the dollar store, walmart, beanie baby, garden art, puzzles, on and on, that she could find with the little green guy on it. And not the alien kind, but while we are talking about aliens. Don’t you think that amphibians could be a good contender for an alien among us?

Forget perhaps.

I was definitely that kid. I even had toads as a pet.

And now, I’m that adult. The one that believes a toad on the doorstep is good luck. And also the one that makes frog paintings.

I make other things too. Like rat butter dishes. Thanks for perusing.

